Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let's get this out of the way immediately.

Yes, it's a serious title for a blog.  If you have come to this blog looking for some sort of watchdog group/scathing political commentary/conspiracy theories, go away.  I don't want to be rude, but I also don't want to waste your time.  This will be my little space for writing, and if what we write can be considered a window into our souls, then this blog will be mostly devoid of any substance whatsoever.  I can't say I won't write a review about the most recent episode of Gossip Girl or discuss at-length the only-adorable-to-me antics of my pets.  I like what I like (including kung-fu cinema).  I will do my best not to embarass myself or my family.  I'm a fan of run-on sentences (and paretheses).  You have been totally warned, yo. 

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