Saturday, August 1, 2009

zzzzzzzzz aid

Due to a lot of recent job stress, I have not been sleeping very well. I will lie awake in bed for hours, without being able to fall asleep. I will wake up with a start in the middle of the night. It really sucks. My sister recommended that I try melatonin pills. I also understand that I will need to address the underlying stress issues (which is why I am saving up my go-to-hell money), but in the short term, I need to get some sleep.

One night during grad school, I took a few Tylenol PM to try to get to sleep, and then every time I started to fall asleep, one of my legs would jerk and wake me back up. This ultimately left me even more exhausted and frustrated. Similarly, when I returned from Europe with a case of the German measles and a nasty cough that kept me up for 24 hours straight, I did what any normal person would do. I downed some Nyquil in order to knock my ass out so I could get some much needed rest. I then proceeded to wake myself up by coughing every 15 minutes and had wierd fever dreams in between.

I think what I'm saying is that my body is too strong for the sleep aid. Let's hope that the melatonin will work, or I will have to get serious and get a prescription for non-habit forming Ambien.


  1. i know it sounds stupid, but i get crazy insomnia when i'm single. went to the doc, he gave me a mild antidepressant, though i told him i wasn't depressed. he said the side effect is drowsiness. worked for aobut a week, then i acclimated. i think we may be from a similar pod.

    good luck with the melatonin.

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