Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hate moms...

Okay, so I hate stupid Moms who blame others for their shortcomings in parenting their own children.

This weekend at the Drive-In Invasion, I pull into the parking lot, and see an empty spot next to a tent that a family has set up in a previously open parking space. As I get closer, I can see a 4 year old sitting in a yard chair very near to the parking space I am about to pull into. I keep my eye on the 4-yr-old while sloooooooowly pulling into the spot, making sure to pull in as far away from the little tyke as possible. The parents are nowhere to be found. After I pull in and turn off the ignition, the mom knocks on my window, so I roll it down.

"I would have appreciated if you had asked me to move my daughter before you pulled you car up in the space next to her!"

Me (what I actually said): "I'm sorry."
Me (what I wanted to say): "I would appreciate it if you keep an eye out on your own children and not place the responsibility of your childrens' safety into the hands of strangers in a PARKING LOT! Keep your child in the car seat while you're unloading the car! Better yet, don't bring your children to an event where people will be drinking in public all day and racing motorcycles around pedestrian areas. I'm going to slap the taste out of your mouth now."

Ultimately I went with "I'm sorry" as I realized she just wanted to be mad, and as a person who is going to yell at a reasonable person for parking in a parking lot - I had her pegged for a crazy who would probably key my car at the slightest provocation, so I went the apologetic route. Although I did say it with a "Yeah, whatever" tone - so that made me feel a bit better.

I hope I'm never a lazy, crazy mom. These are women who are just taking advantage of the situation. Maybe next time I should say something really awful and then peel out.

Yes, maybe that would educate all involved.


  1. sadly, i think we let stupid people get away with too much in the name of "being polite" . i mean, it is our civic duty to call them out. how else are they going to learn? here's to common sense!

  2. I am not and never was one of those stupid moms. Personally, this woman needs the taste slapped out of her mouth. this woman is the type that as soon as her "poor baby" would get hurt...she would rush to blame all others, not her careless, ignorant self!
