Sunday, October 11, 2009


The interview I was so excited about on Friday was canceled. I found out on Friday, right as I was about to leave for the interview, that they had given the position to another person, which was a really big disappointment. I called my contact to thank him for his time and asked him to keep me in mind if any other similar positions popped up and he said that there were a few other positions on the website I could apply to - one having the exact same title (but was with another division?). In one of his initial emails to me, he did say that he was interviewing for two I'm just left wondering - was he trying to give me the brush-off on Friday? Or is the other position really in another department working for somebody else? I applied for the other position (the exact same description, but with a different application number). We'll see what happens. It was definitely frustrating, but I suppose it shouldn't be that easy to find another job.

I also had a long time to think about it as I drove to Tennessee for a friend's wedding this weekend. Being in the car by myself for that period of time was a little maddening, but I made it.

Onward and upward.

1 comment:

  1. that's too bad about the interview. i haven't interviewed in 8 years, and i kind of dread ever having to do it again, though i suspect i will; and updating resumés, cover letters, etc. blah. i'm sure you are going to find something better though. good luck and keep your chin up!
